Family Works
Our staff work alongside children/tamariki (0-17 years) and their families/whanau, supporting them to make positive and lasting differences in their lives. Programmes and Services include, Programmes and services for:
Maatua (parents):
- Incredible Years Parenting programme
- Strengthening Step-Families
Tamariki (children) and Rangatahi (young people):
- Child and family counselling
- 9 Social workers in 19 schools
- Restore programme for children and young people who have witnessed family violence
Whanau (families):
- Family counselling/Social work support
- Women Against Violence (WAVE)
We deliver a full range of social work, counselling services and a range of group programmes for children, young people, parents/caregivers and families/whanau. We support families/whanau to become resilient, connected to their communities, and independent of social services long term.
Phone: (07) 858-4413
Email: Family Works Waikato