
Te Ara Hou

Te Ara HouWaikato Christian Social Services Village Trust

Email: The Secretary

Click here to make an Auditorium Booking enquiry:

100 Morrinsville Road, Hamilton 3216

PO Box 11-109, Hamilton 3251

Catholic Family Support Services

Catholic Family Support ServicesCatholic Family Support Services have been a respected social service agency in Hamilton since 1980. We provide social services primarily to families, and financial mentoring (formerly called budgeting) for people struggling to manage on limited incomes. Our services are free and available to anyone, regardless of their beliefs.

The services are intensive and preventative in nature. These include:

  • Family support services
  • Financial Mentoring (affiliated to the NZ Federation of Family Budgeting Services)
  • Supervised contact
  • Emergency provision of basic resources
  • Programmes such as Seasons for Growth, Money Mates/Financial Management and cooking classes.


Phone: (07) 856 3760           Email: CFSS

Family Works

Family Works NorthernOur staff work alongside children/tamariki (0-17 years) and their families/whanau, supporting them to make positive and lasting differences in their lives. Programmes and Services include, Programmes and services for:

Maatua (parents):

  • Incredible Years Parenting programme
  • Strengthening Step-Families

Tamariki (children) and Rangatahi (young people):

  • Child and family counselling
  • 9 Social workers in 19 schools
  • Restore programme for children and young people who have witnessed family violence

Whanau (families):

  • Family counselling/Social work support
  • Women Against Violence (WAVE)

We deliver a full range of social work, counselling services and a range of group programmes for children, young people, parents/caregivers and families/whanau. We support families/whanau to become resilient, connected to their communities, and independent of social services long term.


Phone: (07) 858-4413

Email: Family Works Waikato

Enliven Waikato Day Programme

Enliven Waikato Day ProgrammeWe are part of Presbyterian Support Northern and provide services to people over 65, in this case a Day Programme providing socialisation.


Phone (07) 856 3295

Kia Puāwai

Kia PuāwaiKia Puāwai provides a range of evidence-based and culturally informed services to support youth, whānau and communities.

Our journey began in 1997, and our therapists, practitioners, coaches, and caregivers continue to make a significant difference in the lives of tamariki, rangatahi, whānau and their communities throughout Aotearoa - helping them grow, flourish, and thrive.

Kia Puāwai has the wellbeing of people at its heart, and our team are collectively focussed on a shared vision to help improve the lives of tamariki, rangatahi and whānau across Aotearoa.

Our Whakakitenga I Our Vision

Kia Tupu, Kia Hua, Kia Puāwai
To Grow, To Flourish, To Prosper.

Our Kaupapa I Our Mission

We believe our tamariki, rangatahi and their whānau deserve to thrive. We draw from te ao Māori and te ao Tauiwi knowledge to strengthen wellbeing, mana and wairua.

Our Tikanga I Our Values

Aroha, whanaungatanga, manaakitanga, wairuatanga.

Website:Kia Puāwai (

Phone:   (07) 838 3671


Diocese of Waikato and Taranaki

Anglican Diocese of Waikato and Taranaki Administration CentreThe office of the Bishop of Waikato and the northern administration offices of the Anglican Diocese of Waikato and Taranaki are situated within the village, supporting 53 Anglican Parishes, social services and community development agencies providing care, support and spiritual guidance and education to people and communities from Waverley in the South to Whangamata in the north.


Phone: (027) 2111 532

Email: the Waikato and Taranaki Diocese

Hamilton Combined Christian Foodbank Trust

The Hamilton Combined Christian FoodbankProvides emergency food parcels for people in the Hamilton city area who are referred by the various Christian social service agencies in the city.

PO Box 13117, Hamilton 3251

Hillcrest House - Child, Youth and Family

Child, Youth and FamilyHillcrest Home is a purpose built facility run by Child, Youth and Family to provide a therapeutic programme for young men aged 14-17 years who are considered to be at high risk of continued offending.

The aim of the programme is to provide young people with the necessary tools and resources to grow and prosper as young successful adults. Each young person is supported to achieve their goals within their own individualised plan which incorporates a variety of facets including educational, vocational, counselling/ therapy, life skills, sport and recreational programmes.

Mahi Mihinare Anglican Action

Mahi Mihinare Anglican ActionAt Mahi Mihinare we give to the community our heart for social justice. We offer hope.

Our services encompass parental education, youth mentoring and support, and accommodations to assist individuals reintegrating into the community after incarceration. Join us in our commitment to creating a more just and compassionate world.

100 Morrinsville Rd Kirikiriroa


Phone: (021) 128 1998

Email: Mahi Mihinare Anglican Action

Abbeyfield New Zealand

AbbeyfieldAbbeyfield is a not-for-profit organisation providing companionship and an affordable home for independent older people.

Phone: (07) 856 7486

Email: Lyndon Carpenter - Chair